Some of Our Secrets

About Us

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Our area of


RedGreenBD IT Solutions develops and distributes computer software & network that may be used to learn, instruct, assess, calculate, entertain or perform a multitude of other tasks. From the starting a our company we aggregated more programming knowledge, marketing expertise and technical support skills. We operate under a variety of business models, such as charging license fees, offering subscriptions or charging by transactions. When our software products are offered for free, revenue may be gained from advertising sources or by charging for related services.

We are segmented into modules, related to the day to day functions. We also perform some tasks very efficiently and makes best use of your resources by reducing time consuming services (such as manual report entry, manual requisition slip, manual sample cup label writing, work list generation) thus creates real time management and statistical reports that helps you to run your business smoother as well as at lightning speed.

Why We're Different

Why Choose Us




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You are from : [Your IP Address].


RedGreenBD ITS is a young player in web technologies with highly skilled professionals. We customize our wide range of assortments, as per the specified specifications made by system analyst.

we are creative

We're specializes in web design and software development of highly insightful and professional. By depending on the nature and taste of our client, we can develop that for specific business organizations.

24 / 7 great support

Our technical team are in the desk 24 x 7, available via support desk or live chat. Reliable & fast respond is the passion of the team, they can response more than 50 tickets but solve around 50 tickets/ day.


Support Officers


Application Developers


Web Designers


Project Managers

Meet with our Suppot Team

Combination of Talents